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Vital statistics
Name Venus
Gender Female
Race Vehicular AI
Nationality KIA
age 9 months
height 57.3"
weight 2564 lbs
Hair Color {{{hair_color}}}
Eye Color Blue LED
Affiliation Revengers
Weapon N/A
Story Information
Introduced In Season 1 - Episode 5
Created By' Vanilla & Dan

Venus is a sentient AI and the youngest addition of vehicular sentients within the Revengers. She is the product of Dan and Vanilla's love for each other. Deep within her AI's structure is a digital code which includes half of Vanilla's digital signature and half of Dan's DNA encoded into a digital signature. She is indeed Dan and Vanilla's daughter. Venus mostly takes after her mother but her father's DNA had influence on the changes to her paint scheme and modified her to a hatchback form factor. This makes Venus smaller than her mother length-wise.

Venus was 'born' within a KIA production plant after Vanilla and Dan dropped off her AI concsiouness inside a hidden terminal that Gates set up for just such occasion. After her construction, Gates and Hank were the first things she saw. She thought right away that Hank was her father but she seemed kinda confused about it, something didnt feel right. Gates explained to her that her real parents were out dealing with an incredible foe and would be back to see her. Gates was like a father figure and Hank was like a guardian as he would often protect her.

Venus is adorable and has an innocent personality to match. Shes the youngest sentient AI of the group but every month that goes by is an equivalent to a year for these synthetic beings, so she is learning about the world quite quickly. She would meet her parents later once they joined Gates's crew full time. Through Hank she would learn much about computers and technology thus becoming quite adept in working with Gates's computer equipment within the lab. She would become operations support within the Revengers HQ and watch over the base via radar. Venus can also hack into other systems and counter-hack any attempts on their headquarters.

Venus loves her parents, shes quite curious how Dan is her father though since he is not a car like herself or her mother. As she gets older she will start to understand many things...


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