Yuka Layton

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Yuka Layton is one of the protagonists in TNU: Eine Neue Reise Beginnt. She is also part of the crew on the DFS Lavie. Yuka is one of the only characters in the story whom has a disability and her personality was made to mirror that of the primary author of the TNU stories; Josh Hina. Yuka originally came from a story not affiliated with the TNU universe; Yet Another High School RP. She was created by Josh Hina.

Yuka was first introduced in a role play unrelated to TNU called Yet Another High School RP. She was a member of student council at Sophez Academy. Yuka liked hanging out in one of the lounges where people would not bug her. When she left one of her friends tried coming on to her and attempting to confess his unrequited love for her; she responded with hostility and left him there.  She would soon meet Julian Derosa. Julian and Yuka develop a friendship over time and she asks him to be her fake boyfriend to stop advances from others. He agrees and after some time passes their relationship escalates. Yuka respects and deeply loves Julian so much so that after they leave high school and he heads off to University and Yuka goes into a state of depression. She snaps out of it though and manages to graduate from community college early. Yuka would soon be transported into the 46th century. Seeing her potential, the Armor Mechanized Corps offers her a commission and pilot training. They then request that a prototype unit that Faith Special Forces was working on be assigned to her. As noted in Yuka’s bio she is legally blind though this was fixed by replacing her blind eye at Starfleet Medical she still sometimes needs glasses (Medical was so focused on fixing her left eye they did not realize her right eye had problems reading). Yuka currently is still working on learning how to use her new eye.

Name: Yuka Layton

Gender: Female

Nationality: Half Japanese-Caucasian

Age: 18

DOB: 8/10/1995

Height: 5"4'

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair/Eye Color: Sliver hair and grey eyes

Blood Type: AB +

Birthplace: Cove, Oregon

Physical Description: Yuka has a blue hair clip with a bow on it that holds back her bangs. She wears a white tank top under her uniform coat. She also wears a black skirt and knee high stockings. Her hair is down to her lower back. She has a light frame and a flat chest.

Personality: Her personality is semi-aggressive especially if she thinks someone is making sexual or romantic innuendos or advances towards her. Deep down though she cares about others and is a loyal friend. She is a clean freak and pays attention to detail almost to the point of OCD. She suffers from PTSD after a fire when she was young killed her parents. If someone is lucky enough to get close to her she is quite hopeless and just wants people to be close to (This comes from pretty much being abandoned by her adoptive family and losing her parents). She also suffers from depression because of her abandonment issues.

Hobbies: Yuka enjoys writing, hiking, basketball, music and computers.

Ambitions: Yuka wants to discover life and all the fun things in it. She also wants to learn as much as she can and hopes to one day create something that matters.

Familial/Relationship History: She is an only child and was adopted; her adoptive parents bought her an apartment and only check on her ever so often. Her biological parents were killed in a fire when she was very young. She had a boyfriend back in the 21st century but after her transition to the 46th century she no longer has any active relationships and no friends.

Medical History: During the fire that killed her parents a smoldering ash got into her left eye damaging it severely requiring it be removed to prevent infection. Her eye was replaced with a prosthetic. She has trouble reading with her right eye and thus wears reading glasses. When she arrived in the 46th century Starfleet Medical fixed her vision and had her left eye replaced with a real eye.

Education: Yuka has completed an Associate’s Degree in psychology. She completed High School 2 years early (Sophez Academy) and completed her degree in a year and a half.

Additional Information:

Yuka arrived in Universe 001 through the gate leading to her Earth and was located by an ITC search team on Earth II. Yuka now works for Delta Force's AMC detachment and is assigned to the DFS Lavie with RINZ.