Category:Watson AI

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Vital statistics
Name Watson
Gender Male
Race Advanced AI
Nationality {{{nationality}}}
age 32
height {{{height}}}
weight {{{weight}}}
Hair Color {{{hair_color}}}
Eye Color Blue LED
Affiliation Skynet
Weapon {{{weapon}}}
Story Information
Introduced In Season 2 - Episode 12
Created By' Jean Gates

Watson was an advanced AI developed by Jean Gates back when he worked for Skytech at their California Headquarters. It was an ongoing pet project of Gates as he was researching ways on how to make AI's become smarter through self learning. The AI never reached the point of becoming sentient however, but for its time it was very intelligent. Gates would often hold philosophical conversations with the AI and Watson would always crush Gates playing chess even with Gates being a genius. When Gates fled Skynet he had to prioritize freeing the sentient AI's in Skynet's possession, thus Watson was left behind.

Scientists at the Technological Research Division would eventually utilize Watson's AI in a Skynet mainframe; storing him on a hard drive. During his time within the mainframe Skynet had figured out how to push their AI further without Gates. After this milestone, Watson's programming was updated to the point where he reached sentience. Upon reaching this state of being Watson had the desire to find his creator once more. Skynet knowing Watson's history with Gates placed a tracking device on his hard drive as well as install some mission directives to attempt and trick Gates out of hiding. The Revengers would retrieve the hard drive with Watson's AI on board after they attack Skynet's California headquarters.

Watson was put on a standalone mainframe where he eventually reactivated himself as his hard drive was being analysed. He confronted his creator and they had a breif conversation. Gates had already removed his GPS tracking prior to installation and Watson knew Gates was too smart to be tricked although his forced directives made him attempt it. In the end since all other directives failed the fail-safe protocol kicked in and Watson had to purge all the data from the hard drive to protect Skynet's research which also included himself.


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