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Vital statistics
Name 2525
Gender Male
Race Vehicular AI
Nationality GMC
age 49
height 120.8"
weight 20000 lbs
Hair Color {{{hair_color}}}
Eye Color Blue LED
Affiliation N/A
Weapon Refined Aninium Molecular Bonded Shell (Damaged)
Story Information
Introduced In {{{introduced_in}}}
Created By' Advanced Computing Division
2525 in his prime

2525 is a vehicular AI created by Jean Gates before Skytech became Skynet. 2525's original designation was SB-71 "Cedrick" and was one of the first AI's created by Jean Gates along with the Watson AI and was around before the time of the Master AI so his template is quite unique. At first he was not sentient and by the time Gates had made his escape from Skynet he still wasnt. He was destined to become some sort of assault vehicle. Skytech obtained an unfinished GM Newlook they had acquired from a GM production plant; one of their promotional buses they had planned for destruction.

At first Skytech planned to heavily modify the design from here using the bus as a template for size but decided to leave the bus intact and give it a Big Blue Bus Santa Monica livery using it like a disguise for its true purpose. Cedrick's AI was placed in this vehicle and he would take on the identity of this bus, taking on the name of 2525. From this point on 2525 would join the ranks of Chevelle and Christine as a terrain drone. He was released from the Skytech facility but could not be integrated into the Big Blue Bus fleet due to discrepancies with his fleet number. Big Blue Bus lines were not into the 2000s quite yet. It is unknown why Skytech decided to make his fleet number 2525. Ironically this fleet number seemed to have some kind of odd fate for 2525.

A little film was being developed in during the early 90s and by then 2525 had ended up in a bus fleet yard sitting idle. He would be cast in a little movie called SPEED and have his life forever changed by the experience. He became a stunt bus in that movie along with several others. His steel was quite strong but nothing that seemed way out of bounds for a vehicle of his size. His metal was made out of refined aninium using an early build of a molecular bonded shell. However, his molecular bonded shell formula was flawed causing the metal armor to degrade over time. By the time he was cast in this movie it had degraded to a strength of just one step above the other normal buses. However, this was enough for him to survive through filming. Through the experience 2525 saw the good and bad in people and felt like he was a part of something unique. His brethren did not fair so well but he endured and now became a legend in film. 2525 was the last surviving bus through filming and would tour around the country during 1994 until he ended up in a bus yard for quite some time.

After sitting for a while his paint job and metal degraded even further, even starting to erode in some places. He sat so long in the west coast heat that his AI went into low power standby. The unseen scars from SPEED showed themselves with his age. He would stay like this for many years later until someone found him...and reactivated him...


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