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A Russian scientist from the Lomonov Moscow State University. Like many scientists at the time, he flew over to Japan for the sake of research and study on atomic energy and how it effects life as well as structures. He learned the bomb was like a miniature sun exploding at the epicenter of the blast. Such a power caused people to disintegrate, metal to melt, and most structures to instantly pulverize. Any plant life effected not only died but failed to regrow in the worst areas effected. He realized if such a thing were to happen around the world there was a risk it could transform the planet in such a negative way that it would no longer be able to support human life let alone the lives of the other creatures that we rely on for many things. He met up with Gavin and his scientist friends that hailed from all around the world. Schumacher and Gavin wished to create a technological institution for the better future for mankind. Xeno agreed that this was indeed for the best interests of humanity.


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