Shadow (Class)

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Shadow Classed Exploration Cruiser
Type: Refit of Older Model
Length: 69 Meters
Height: 20 Meters
Beam (Width): 50 Meters
Displacement (Mass): 14,000 Metric Tons
Crew: 50, Skeleton Crew of 10, min. Crew of 4 (excludes CO)
Max Evac. Capacity: 100
Decks: 4
Tactical Systems:
4 EM (Electromagnetic) Torpedo Launchers
2 Phased Anti-Proton Omni Directional Phaser Cannons
4 Phased Anti-Graviton Pulsed Phaser cannons
Experimental Neutronium/Tetra-Burnium Quadruple Hull
Experimental Phase Modulated AG (Artificial Gravity) Field Generators (Provide Structural Integrity to the ship as well as Internal Gravity)
Experimental Multi-Phasic Hull Conforming Shields
Experimental Phased Ablative Armor Mesh- 30 meters thick
Experimental Sensors (Scientific and tactical)
5 Experimental Phantom Classed Fighters
4 AMC Units
2 Experimental Extreme Output Magneto-Plasma Dynamic Drives (better then Hyper Impulse engines)
Experimental Extreme Output Maneuvering Thrusters
Experimental High Output Slipstream Drive
Experimental High Output Zero Point Reactor (similar to the romulan artificial quantum singularity reactor just more powerful)
Speed: Varies
Deck Listing:
Deck 1(Command, Operations, Tactical A, Flight A)
Main Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Conference Room, Stellar Cartography, Aft Torpedo Launcher, Fore and Aft Torpedo/Probe Magazines, Computer Core and Control Room, Shuttlebay 1, AMC Briefing Room/Office, Lounge
Deck 2(Quarters, Intelligence, Crew Services, Tactical B )
Officer's Quarters, VIP Quarters, XO's Office, Captain's Mess, Crew Quarters, Diplomatic Facilities, Holodeck, Gymnasium, Mess Hall, Forward Torpedo Launcher, Computer Core
Deck 3(Medical, Sciences, Flight B and Security)
Sickbay, CMO's Office, Science Lab, Hydroponics Bay, FCO's Office, Transporter Room, Cargo Bay, Cargo Transporter, Security Dept/Brig, Ship's Armory, Phaser Range, Shuttle Bay 2, Shuttle Maintenance
Deck 4(Subsystems and Maintenance)
(Habitable Section) Main Engineering, CEO’s Office, Warp Core, Aux. Weapon Controls, Navigation Deflector Control Room, Navigational Deflector, (Life Support Optional)Deuterium Storage, Anti-Matter Storage Pods, Life Support Systems, Navigational Deflector, Waste Processing/Recycling Center, Docking Ports