TNU vs. Skynet

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Revision as of 04:46, 17 December 2021 by Atsumari (talk | contribs) (4 revisions imported)
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TNU vs. Skynet is a crossover story in the alternate universe of Skynet cars and occurred “before” the events of the war of 4562 with Sakura Carain being sent back on the Guardian to deal with a temporal incident. When sent there she meets Dan and the others in the Revengers Crew. She helps change the events of the universe and as a result creates an entirely alternative history where Gainz ends up in an alternate future of Skynet where he fights another Gainz and after defeating him is followed like a puppy by Misa Kitsuki a scientist in charge of this worlds version of the Biological Research Division’s Project Gainz. She was intimately involved with Gainz in this timeline. Eventually Gainz replaces Jim Olend in the Core Storyline due to this alternative history of events.