Sarissa Slane
Name: Sarissa *******- Slane Nicknames: none
Gender: Female
Species: Vulcan
Age: 76
DOB: 4490
Blood Type: T Negative
Physical Appearance
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 175
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: black
Measurements: 40-34-39
Physical Description: Curvy and substantial. Smooth ebony milk chocolate skin, with piercing amber eyes.
Personality & Traits Likes to meditate in odd places. Not a believer in religion per se, tolerant of others views if not oppressing others, tends to mumble to herself thinking aloud without involving others.
General Overview: Sarissa is an accomplished doctor, with a large family. Most of the time she gives typical Vulcan logic, but str
iking beauty.
Strengths & Weaknesses: Mental discipline, strong muscles. Some bedside manner. Not great with humor.
Ambitions: She has her family. Now wanting to make a commitment to the service of others.
Hobbies & Interests: 6 and 12 string guitar (for dexterity) as well as Vulcan Lyre.
Life History and Relationships Married to Quinton Slane 30 years ago. He is 52 now.The pair have 4 children.
Family: Harlan 28, T'Lea 26(twin), Solkir 26 (twin), Lynna 20
Education: Vulcan medical program, starfleet academy. Doctorate in comparative biology, pharmacology, and xenobiology.