Emily Martinez

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Character Information

Name: Emily Marie Martinez-Colon

Gender: Female
Nationality: Hispanic

DOB: 03/13/4543 Birthplace: Tuxpan, Mexico, Earth 2

Physical Features:

Age: 23

Height: 5" 4"

Weight: 105 lbs
Hair: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Blood Type: B+
Body Type: Slender

Character Information:

Brief Biography: Emily comes from a military family like her brother Domingo. She was raised on Earth by her mother. Her mother served with the DFS while her father made a career with Starfleet. Emily is currently single and very laid back personality, unlike her brother she is very sociable and has no desire to be a starship captain any time soon.

Emily joined the war out of obligation and honor to her family. She did not agree with the decisions of the Faith Services Fleet, to over throw a legimate government and seize power on their own was not the way to get resolution. On the same note, she was not sure if the military's mess to clean up the mess of the polical dignitaries.

Regardless of her personal feelings, she swore an oath to the military and to her family, she has just completed the academy, and due to the recent attack on the DFS Lavie her academy graduation date was advanced by one month.

Emily has had a few romantic relationships in the past, but is currently single.



Ambitions: To survive the war, so she can resign her commission. Emily does not see herself as a career officer. She joined to fight in the war, more out of family obligation than actual motivation. Medical History: Emily is physically fit, and emotionally stable. She is in good health, her cuisine options could use some improvement, but given age, she is doing well.

Employment Information:

Emily graduated High School in 4561, she took a year off after completing high school to site see in the universe. Her mother made it clear to her that she has family obligations and obligations to this war, with the insistence of her mother, she joined the academy in 4562.

4562, joins Memorial Center Training Corps as a 1st year cadet 4563, joins Memorial Center Training Corps as a 2nd year cadet 4564, joins Mars Orbital Training Facility as a 3rd year cadet 4565, joins Mars Orbital Training Facility as a 4rth year cadet 4566, granted a commission. Awarded the rank of Ensign. 4566, Assigned to the DFS Lavie as Flight Control Officer/ shuttle pilot

Family Information:

Mable Catalina Sanchez-Martinez (Mable Catalina Martinez-Colon) Age 28 Status: currently married, no children. Position: Executive Officer Assignment DFS Essex

Domingo Ramon Martinez-Colon Age 25 Status: Single Position: Commanding Officer Assignment: DFS Phoenix

Jonathon Luis Martinez-Colon Age: 21 Status: Single Position: Civilian Assignment: Bartender on Earth

Heather Elise Martinez-Colon Age: 18 Status: Single Position: Academy, 1st Year Assignment : Starfleet Academy

Juan Carlos Martinez-Colon Age: 15 Status: Single Position: Student Assignment: Going to Highschool

Roberto Franklin Martinez-Colon Age: 13 Status: Single Position: Student Assignment: Going to Junior High School

Rita Elise Martinez-Colon Age: 10 Status: Single Position: Student Assignment: Going to Grade School

Relationship Information:

Emily and Aiden Thorton.

Mission 6: What is it to be human, part 2.

Emily meet Aiden Thorton for the first time in this mission as she prepared to be board the DFS Lavie. She was a little flirtasous with him, which was a little uncalled for her, but Emily had a way of hitting on guys that were not available to her. She was attracted to men she could not have.

Emily recalled that Aiden was a little surprised that two officers that were related were being assigned to the same ship, during this mission, Emily's older brother Dom Martinez was also assigned to the ship. She had heard that Dom was aboard but had yet to see him. With a crew of only 300 she assumed she would run into him eventually. She knew it was more likely she would run into Aiden a lot more since he was the Executive Officer of the DFS Lavie.

She could tell that he was a little more by the book than she preferred and she was not very happy that he tried to pass her off to a Nikolas Blom, she was not a trophy to passed off. She was a little hurt that he shot down her advances, but given the fact he was not really available, it was to be expected.

Emily and Yuka Layton

Mission 6: What is it to be human, part 2. Emily is not sure what to make of the captain when they meet for the first time. She never expected the captain to be so young. She assumed the DFS Command knew what they were doing when they chose her to be a captain of a starship and granted her the full rank of Captain.

Emily tried to make a good impression on her captain, even though she was not being really honest. She told her captain that everyone seemed to be very nice, on the surface that was true, but she was no longer the center of attention and she was having a hard time adapting to that. Ofcourse she could not tell her captain that she was struggling not being the center of attention, so a little white lie, never hurt, right?

Emily and Yuka began to talk about her brother, over the past two years she had not seen much of him. But it was clear that Yuka was able to see him more recently. The way she was describing him, was very accurate. However she really had no real insights to getting a long better with Dom. He was an acquired taste, to say the least. She tried to get Yuka to see that. He is approachable but has a strong moral and ethical code and a strong sense of duty and honor. A little to much for Emily's liking. She offered to talk to Dom for the Captain, but she never got the chance, as quickly as he was assigned to the DFS Lavie, he was wisked away.

Emily regrets not getting a chance to assist the captain in getting to act like a bridge between Dom and the Captain. She wanted to fit and feel wanted, right now she felt like she did not matter to the crew. She needed to find a new way to fit in and soon. She debated about talking to Yuka about her issues, but decided against it.

Emily and Scott Johnson

Mission 6: What is it to be human, part 2. Emily's sarcastical bubbly personality reaches the poor soul of Scott Johnson, she tried to flirt with him. But like Aiden earlier, she is surprised her teasing like personality is being shot down. This was a new sensation for her. She liked being the center of attention. Now she felt like she was rookie, and all alone. She hated this feeling. Emily Martinez and Sarissa Slane Intermission 3: A Time for Laying Out the Future: Emily meets Sarissa for the first time. The two ladies meet at the gym, and Sarissa offers to teach Emily how to work out properly, after seeing that she is struggling with it. The two strike up a conversation and a new friendship is formed. Emily is an energetic type personality and is trying to learn a new skill to fight the boredom she feels with being on the Beta Shift of the DFS Lavie. Sarissa in the eyes of Emily seems to be a cool collected vulcan.

Emily really does not know alot about the vulcan race, beyond what her education had taught her as a child. She is grateful for the assignment aboard the DFS Lavie, she really enjoys being a helmsman, but she prefers to be on the alpha shift. Emily is a morning person, and really dislikes working the beta shift. She is learning how to struggle to not being being the top person.

At the academy was always the center of attention, but on the DFS Lavie, she was the bottom person, she needed to prove herself as as a capable officer, if she ever wanted to make it like Mable and Dom. She is hoping that making new friends on the DFS Lavie will help her achieve a level of self-confidence and success.
