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The founders were 5 scientists that would come together during the aftermath of World War 2.  They foresaw that humans now had the power to destroy themselves and the planetThrough their combined desire to prevent man from self destructing itself they created a technological institution that would combine research and development to create a better future.  These 5 scientists came from all walks of life, all from different countries.
* A German scientist from the Technical University of Munich.  He flies over to Japan shortly after the end of World War 2 to study the effects of such weapons against a city and its populationsHe hides the fact that he is a German scientist as his country was involved with the Axis powers during World War 2, however he never was pro-Nazi as their world views were clearly corruptedAt Japan he would meet 4 other scientists; befriending them all while as they shared their research.  After learning of how deep the effects of atomic warfare goes he decides something should be done to prevent something like this from happening again knowing that if a world war with these kind of weapons broke out again it would surely mean the end of life as we know it.
* [ Schumacher]
* [ Gavin]
* A British scientist hailing from the University of Oxford, he visits Japan after the events of World War 2 to study the effect of Radiation on a human population. He would run into Schumacher during his research befriending him. He agreed with Schumacher that an active approach needed to be made to ensure the world did not end up self destructing itself in a future conflict. He became the main voice out of the 5 scientists and would eventually lead them towards the creation of Skytech.
* [ Xeno]
* [ Lupinaro]
* [ Tetsumi]

* A Russian scientist from the Lomonov Moscow State University.  Like many scientists at the time, he flew over to Japan for the sake of research and study on atomic energy and how it effects life as well as structures.  He learned the bomb was like a miniature sun exploding at the epicenter of the blast.  Such a power caused people to disintegrate, metal to melt, and most structures to instantly pulverize.  Any plant life effected not only died but failed to regrow in the worst areas effected.  He realized if such a thing were to happen around the world there was a risk it could transform the planet in such a negative way that it would no longer be able to support human life let alone the lives of the other creatures that we rely on for many things.  He met up with Gavin and his scientist friends that hailed from all around the world.  Schumacher and Gavin wished to create a technological institution for the better future for mankind.  Xeno agreed that this was indeed for the best interests of humanity.
* An American scientist from the California Institute of Technology, he and many other scientists from the victorious country went over to Japan to study the effects of atom bombs.  They would soon discover the horrors of what such weapons can do to people.  He would run into Tetsumi, a Japanese scientist who saw first hand the attack.  Her grudge against America could be clearly heard whenever she talked but Lupinaro would soothe her feelings regarding that as he seemed charming and intelligent for an American. 
* A Japanese scientist from the heart of the destruction, the Technical Institute of Tokyo.  She witnessed first hand the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  She was living in the country when it happened and could account the horrors of the entire experience.  Her country was crippled after World War 2 as American invaders walked over the ruins of her once proud nation.  She always held somewhat of a grudge against America for the brutality of the bombs but she understood that her countries leaders were also too stubborn to see the writing on the wall.  Through grandiose egos from old colonial ways of life, Japan was unwilling to surrender even when that direction should have been obvious to take.  Their failure to surrender after the first bomb dropped caused additional destruction.  Japan should not have tried to continue to fight without any kind of way to counter such power.  Knowing the IQ of the general population is not very high, such power in the hands of "simpletons" was incredibly dangerous as she would often explain.  She would meet up other scientists eventually running into Lupinaro and the others.  Lupinaro would soothe her feelings regarding Americans as he was American and did not seem like what she expected.  Sharing their research and world views they would work together to form a technical institution for the research of technologies to make the world a better place.

Latest revision as of 07:30, 17 December 2021

The founders were 5 scientists that would come together during the aftermath of World War 2. They foresaw that humans now had the power to destroy themselves and the planet. Through their combined desire to prevent man from self destructing itself they created a technological institution that would combine research and development to create a better future. These 5 scientists came from all walks of life, all from different countries.


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